Luxembourg: Effective management of the COVID-19 health crisis


A total of 110 coronavirus-related deaths, no new COVID-19 victims since 26 May and, in spite of massive testing, new infections detected per day since mid-May counted in single or double digit numbers: Luxembourg seems to have been successful in its attempts to curb the epidemic.
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Take your bike to Luxembourg this summer


Luxembourg might be a small country, but it has a wide variety of nature with breath-taking scenery that can best be enjoyed by foot or by bike. Several initiatives make it even more fun and easy to discover Luxembourg by bicycle this summer.
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Luxembourg one of Europe’s innovation leaders


The European Innovation Scoreboard, published by the European Commission, ranks Luxembourg among the EU’s innovation leaders. The main reason is the country’s attractive and efficient research ecosystem.
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European DESI Index: Luxembourg in 10th position


The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), measured by the European Commission since 2014, is a good indicator of the progress made by Member States in the digital domain. Luxembourg is well above the European average, particularly in the area of connectivity where it ranks 3rd.
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Cost of living: Luxembourg remains affordable


Luxembourg is renowned for its high quality of life, but remains affordable for expatriates. The 2020 edition of Mercer's Cost of Living ranking only places the capital in 83rd place.
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A new centre for technology development


In 2019, Luxinnovation supported a growing number of international companies opening offices in Luxembourg. One of them, HighSide, has chosen Luxembourg

as a centre for developing its highly secure messaging and files platform that protects users against phishing, spoofing, mass data breaches and insider threats.
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Luxembourg 7th most resilient economy in the world


The ability of a country's business environment to withstand disruption and recover strongly is crucial for the individual companies that operate there. Luxembourg ranks as the 7th most resilient economy in the world, in particular due to its strong economy.
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University of Luxembourg develops COVID-19 exit strategy simulator


Experts at the University of Luxembourg have developed an online tool to simulate the impact of COVID-19 exit strategies. This unique project offers a method for modelling the impact of different measures on the spread of the disease in almost 100 countries around the world.
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COVID-19: The impact on clean technologies


Will the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic stimulate cleantech innovation and the uptake of environmentally friendly technologies, or will it bring cleantech investment to a standstill? This question was debated at the Cleantech Interactive session organised on 19-20 May 2020 in collaboration with Luxembourg partners.
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Franz Fayot new Minister of the Economy


On 4 February 2020, Franz Fayot joined the Luxembourg Government. He was appointed Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs and Minister of the Economy. The Prime Minister, Minist...
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15 innovative start-up projects to combat COVID-19


15 Luxembourg start-ups will receive €150,000 each to develop innovative solutions aimed at combatting the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
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Shanghai consular community supports the fight against Covid-19


On Friday 28th February, the Dean of Consular corps in Shanghai, Consul General Luc Decker, was honoured to hand over the sum of 338,108.82 RMB to the Municipality of Shanghai to buy equipment for the...
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Birth of Luxembourg heir couple’s first child


TT.RR.HH. the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess are delighted to announce the birth of their son at the Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte in Luxembourg on Sunday May 10 2020 at 5:13. He will be c...
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University and start-up to work on in-orbit satellite repairs


The University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) signed a partnership agreement with the space start-up LIFT ME OFF. The cooperation provides crucial...
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Luxembourg 2nd leading green finance centre in the world


The Global Green Finance Index places Luxembourg in 2nd place worldwide for the depth of its green finance. In terms of quality of green finance, the country ranks 6th in the world. Published by Londo...
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Luxembourg maintains AAA credit ranking


Moody’s has confirmed Luxembourg’s AAA first-class rating, in spite of the hit that the economy is expected to take due to the lockdown imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The global economic slow-d...
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Luxembourg becomes first country with free public transport


On 1 March 2020, Luxembourg became the first country in the world to make all public transport free of charge. Regardless of whether you are a Luxembourg resident or an occasional visitor, you can now...
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COVID-19 crisis: Luxembourg remains a committed start-up nation


Luxembourg’s commitment as a start-up nation stands firm, also during the coronavirus  pandemic. A number of initiatives are being launched to help start-ups continue their activity and use their i...
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Luxembourg launches unprecedented economic stabilization program


In response to the economic challenges arising from the coronavirus crisis, the Luxembourg government announced on 25 March 2020 the launch of a massive stabilization program for the national economy....
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Luxembourg Trade & Investment Offices remain open


Despite the restrictive measures put in place in a high number of countries across the world to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, all Luxembourg Trade & Investment Offices (LTIOs) remain open to compa...
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Public-private research partnerships to combat COVID-19


Shortly after the outbreak of the pandemic, the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)  launched a call for research projects addressing the current and future challenges of COVID-19. The call is no...
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Luxembourg lab develops COVID-19 test kit


Siemens Healthineers has announced the availability of its molecular Fast Track Diagnostics SARS-CoV-2 Assay test kit, which can help diagnose people infected by the virus that causes the COVID-19 dis...
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ArcelorMittal develops 3D-printed ventilator prototype


Many companies are currently using their innovative capabilities to help alleviate the COVID-19 sanitary crisis. The R&D team of ArcelorMittal has developed a protoype for a 3D-printed ventilator ...
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China Donates Medical Supplies to Luxembourg in Response to COVID-19


Henan province followed by other Chinese provinces and municipalities (Sichuan province, Shanghai municipality and Nanjing Liuhe district) arranged medical supply donations to Luxembourg in an effort ...
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Coronavirus bailouts: Luxembourg among the most generous


Many countries have launched rescue packages to help alleviate the economic consequences of the coronavirus-related lockdown. A recent article by the BBC lists Luxembourg's economic stabilisation programme as one of the most important in the world.
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Luxembourg residents on living in the European Union


On the occasion of the Europe Day 2020 - 9 May - Luxembourg residents give their take on what living in the EU means to them. A brief video entitled "Europe - Different Together" summarises the views of native Luxembourgers and international residents.
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Cleantech Forum goes interactive


This year’s edition of the Cleantech Forum Europe, to be hosted in Luxembourg, has been postponed to 7-9 December 2020. Until then, a series of monthly online events will explore ideas and innovations that will help us accelerate the transition to a cleaner world. The first one, “Innovating for Resilience”, will be held on 19-20 May. Luxembourg remains a key partner.
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Public-private research partnerships to combat COVID-19


Shortly after the outbreak of the pandemic, the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) launched a call for research projects addressing the current and future challenges of COVID-19. The call is now open to public-private partnerships, thus making it possible for Luxembourg-based enterprises and research organisations to join forces in order to combat the disease.
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Combining technology and insurance for a better life


A graduate of Luxembourg’s start-up acceleration programme Fit 4 Start, OKO combines satellite data and mobile phone technology to provide affordable and accessible crop insurance to farmers in Africa. An innovative business model that promotes both climate resilience and financial inclusion.
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