Luxembourg a “strong innovator” in the EU


The European Commission has been publishing the yearly Innovation Scoreboard since 2014 in order to provide a comparative assessment of the research and innovation performance of EU member states and ...
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CSSF opens the door to cryptoassets


On 29 November, 2021, the Commission de surveillance du secteur financier (CSSF) published a guide for investment fund managers, in which the financial market watchdog opens the door to virtual asse...
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Hydrogen innovation in Luxembourg


The national hydrogen strategy that has recently been adopted by the Luxembourg government. It outlines the role of hydrogen in the decarburization of Luxembourg’s key sectors in the most energy-ef...
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Record EU green bond listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange  


The EU has chosen the Luxembourg Green Exchange as the listing location of its first Green Bond as part of the NextGenerationEU stimulus package. On 19 October, the Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX)...
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Anisoprint moves 3d printer production to Luxembourg HQ


Anisoprint recently moved the production of its pioneering 3D printers for composite materials to its headquarters in Luxembourg. Benefiting from the country’s central European location and advanced...
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Northstar Earth & Space establishes European HQ in Luxembourg  


The Canadian company will use Luxembourg as its base for further developing its sustainable space activities. The Luxembourg Future Fund will be co-investing in the company’s latest funding roun...
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ArcelorMittal to finance sustainability research with €280 million EIB loan  


The funding aims to support the research part of the company’s environmental, climate and energy projects. The group’s 2021–23 research and development program aims to help ArcelorMittal to reac...
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Luxembourg Stock Exchange joins GFANZ through Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance


At the COP26 in Glasgow, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) announced that it is now a signatory of the Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA). The alliance is part of the broader G...
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ICBC brings multi-currency carbon neutrality themed green bond to LGX


December 2, 2021 In a hybrid Ring the Bell ceremony attended by Luxembourg Minister of Finance Pierre Gramegna, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (...
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China Merchants Bank brings pioneering carbon neutral bond to LGX


September 16, 2021 In the presence of Luxembourg Minister of Finance Pierre Gramegna and China’s ambassador to Luxembourg Xiaorong Yang, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) and China Merchants Ban...
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Luxembourg-based space fund closes at €120 million


Deep tech venture capital firm Promus Ventures has announced that the space-oriented Orbital Ventures fund has closed on several investments and now counts the European Investment Fund among its inves...
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Luxembourg launches world’s first space resources start-up support program


The space resources start-up support program will support early-stage ventures and start-ups in the development of their technological value proposals and near-term sustainable business models. Supp...
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New director nominated for space resources innovation centre


Dr Kathryn Hadler, an internationally renowned scientist in mineral processing and beneficiation, has been appointed Director of the Luxembourg-based European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) as of 1 April 2022. She will build a world-leading research team working on solutions for the sustainable and responsible use of space resources.
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Supporting industry 4.0: Luxrobotic - Zeltic Group


Companies that are conducting their digital transformation in Luxembourg has access to a wide range of service providers specialised in different aspects of industry 4.0. Discover a snapshot of automation specialist Luxrobotic.
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Fit 4 Start celebrates its graduates and welcomes new participants


The 12 start-ups that successfully graduated from the 11th edition of acceleration programme Fit 4 Start were celebrated on 27 January 2022. The online Fit 4 Start Day also provided an opportunity to discover the 20 start-ups selected for edition #12 as well as the programme's new HPC track.
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Supporting industry 4.0: Wizata


A range of companies specialised in digital transformation are available in Luxembourg. Meet digital platform specialist Wizata.
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Supporting industry 4.0: Virtual Rangers


Companies that are implementing industry 4.0 in Luxembourg have access to a wide range of service providers specialised in digital transformation. Read about virtual experience specialist Virtual Rangers.
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Supporting industry 4.0: Artec 3D


Luxembourg is home to a wide range of service providers specialised in different aspects of industry 4.0. Discover a snapshot of 3D scanner specialist Artec 3D.
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Digitalising for sustainability


Hard material solutions specialist Ceratizit is in the process of implementing an ambitious industry 4.0 approach with sustainability and improved efficiency at its very centre.
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Digitalisation: A global approach


Technical insulation and engineered foam manufacturer Armacell has over 3,000 employees and manufacturing sites across the world. The company uses its Luxembourg HQ as the base for a digitalisation project, the outcomes of which will be implemented globally.
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A global approach for boosting operational efficiency


The strong infrastructure, skills and research partners makes Luxembourg an interesting location for industrial digital transformation projects. Cebi drives its global industry 4.0 processes from its headquarters located here.
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Luxembourg remains 3rd in World Talent Ranking


For the second consecutive year, the 2021 IMD World Talent Ranking places Luxembourg 3rd in the world for its ability to develop, attract and retain the talent needed for its economy to stay competitive.
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Circular by Design Challenge : 12 projects selected


Following an online pitching session on 6 January, the jury of the Circular by Design Challenge has given its verdict. 12 projects will participate in the second edition of this support programme initiated by the Luxembourg Creative Industries Cluster of Luxinnovation with the support of the Ministry of the Economy, which targets creatives with sustainable and circular ideas.
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Supporting the national economy, trade and invest


Luxembourg's diplomatic and consular network is present in over 70 countries across the world. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs provides an overview of the network and how it supports the national economy, trade activities on global markets and investment opportunities for international companies.
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Space resources start-up support programme launches first call for applications


The ESRIC start-up support programme is the world's first accelerator and support scheme dedicated to space resources. It is open to start-ups worldwide, and interested candidates are invited to submit their applications by 23 January 2022.
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MIDAS: A Luxembourg soft mobility innovation centre


The Luxembourg branch of car repair and maintenance brand MIDAS is the group’s soft mobility innovation centre, providing services to a range of environmentally friendly vehicles. Driven by a strong commitment to sustainability, the founder counts on Luxinnovation support for future innovation.
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On the road to smart manufacturing


Several large industrial groups have chosen their Luxembourg sites to pilot the digital transformation of their production. The country is mobilising resources in order to generalise their success.
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MIDAS : Un centre d'innovation en mobilité douce au Luxembourg


La succursale luxembourgeoise de l'enseigne de réparation et d'entretien automobile MIDAS est le centre d'innovation du groupe en matière de mobilité douce. Il fournit des services à une gamme de véhicules respectueux de l'environnement. Animé par un fort engagement en faveur de la durabilité, le fondateur compte sur le soutien de Luxinnovation pour ses innovations futures.
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NorthStar Earth & Space establishes European HQ in Luxembourg


The Canadian company will use Luxembourg as its base for further developing its sustainable space activities. The Luxembourg Future Fund will be co-investing in the company's latest funding round.
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Fit 4 Start acceleration programme: 20 startups selected


The 20 startups selected for Fit 4 Start #12 were chosen from a total of 214 applications coming from 42 countries. For this 12th edition, an additional category, focused on HPC and data analytics, has been added to the 3 traditional verticals ICT, healthtech and space.
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