On November 1st 2017, the production of GONVVAMA was officially launched in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province.

Gonvvama is a joint-venture between Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co., Ltd. (VAMA) and the Spanish world leading steel processing service company Gonvarri, each with 50% share partition. The new production facility is a first class automotive steel deep processing base, aimed at penetrating into China’s main automotive clusters and bringing to the customers the most advanced integrated technology solutions.

The head quarter of GONVVAMA is located in Changshu city. The company has 4 additional Advanced Technologies and Solutions Centers in Shenyang, Changshu, Chongqing and Loudi, covering the major automotive clusters and helping the Automotive OEMs to face the challenges as weight saving, raise of the safety performance and environment protection.

As an extended facility of the downstream industrial chain of VAMA,  GONVVAMA specialized in monolithic hot stamping steel, advanced high strength steel and ultra high strength steel, as well as  in laser welding. GONVVAMA is committed to offer the high-quality products and integrated technology and service solution to the car manufacturers.
